Ray Zhang, number one at Sturgis Charter, working on forward momentum with the serve. Ray has great technique and is developing an all court game style.
Jack is the Thursday winner of the Gatorade & Dunkin’ classic!
Augusta and Gretel— Tuesday winners of the Duncan Donuts Tournament in the Junior Varsity Group
Teddy, a great player!
Maia, as little gripper on the left to a Champion on the right.
Duncan’ Tournament
Fall Session I
8 weeks
Session week begins
the week of September 9 and ends the last week of October
little grippers
ages 4,5
Thursdays 4:00-4:30
little grippers
ages 6,7,8
Thursdays 4:30-5:00
Junior Players
ages 9,10,11
Thursdays 5:00-6:00
Junior Varsity
ages 12,13,14
Tuesdays 4:30-6:00
Varsity Team
High School Starters
Tuesdays 3:00-4:30
begins after
Fall Sports End
First week in November
Sisters! Violet & Dalia learning the great game of tennis.
Coach Kevin with PE Teacher David Watson at the East Falmouth Elementary School teaching tennis to the fourth grade.
Kara with Mia enjoying the game of tennis
Maddy is going to definitely move up her team this year on Varsity!